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Shaina Carter smiles

Shaina Carter

Member Information

Position:Student Life, Equity & Belonging Coordinator

Other Information


Long, long ago in a time called “the 90s” on an island far away, eleven year old Shaina was shocked to receive a letter of acceptance from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (as that was a far distance for an owl to fly). During her years of studying abroad, Shaina excelled in many things, most notably Muggle Studies and Defense Against the Dark Arts. While her flying skills were (and still are) questionable, Shaina was one of the first woman Beaters on the Slytherin Quidditch team. You may have heard of a guy named Harry Potter? Well he’s only three years older than she is, so you could say things were pretty interesting for Shaina during her years at Hogwarts. If you didn’t hear anything about it from your muggle friends, it’s quite well documented in a series of books.

In real life, Ms. Shaina was born and raised in Hawaii and spent some time in Arizona, Georgia, and Florida before moving to her childhood dream city, Seattle. She has three cats (Cersei, and twins Yara and Theon), and loves D&D, scary movies, and live shows/concerts. Social justice, equity, and inclusion are things that are very important to Ms. Shaina, and they’re part of the reason being part of the L-Dub family makes this her dream job.

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